Sikeston residents can take part in Christmas decoration contest

Sikeston residents can take part in Christmas decoration contest

Sikeston residents decorating their yards for the holidays can earn recognition by winning the 3rd Annual Mayor’s Holiday Spirit Award.

This award is given to the best decorated home and/or yard in Sikeston for the Christmas holiday.

To nominate a home, send an email to with the subject “Holiday Spirit Award” along with the address of the home.

The deadline to enter is Monday, Dec. 11, by 5 p.m.

The winner will be selected by Sikeston Mayor Greg Turnbow and Tourism Advisory Board members and will be recognized on the City’s Facebook page and newsletter.

The winner will also receive a glass award to display in their home.

The winner must be willing to have their name, address and picture of their home shared on the City of Sikeston’s social media pages.